An important step before development drilling.

Test holes are exploratory boreholes that are drilled at each proposed site, prior to further drilling and construction of the full diameter, cased well. Test holes are deep, small diameter borings drilled to provide subsurface sand and gravel samples, and access for geophysical logging. Our experienced design team interprets data from test holes, along with descriptive logs provided by the driller, to infer the depths and thicknesses of water-bearing formations that guide the design of the proposed well.

The Process

Test hole drilling begins after we research geophysical and production data from other wells nearby, obtain the required permits for the site, and verify that the proposed test bore will not intercept any pre-existing underground utilities. Along with an evaluation of existing data from each area, this procedure verifies that the water-bearing formations present are sufficient to supply the desired production capacity.

Do you have questions regarding our Exploratory Drilling services?

Call us at (916) 435-3555, or fill out our contact form and we would be happy to answer any questions or set up a consultation to discuss the project scope for your next Exploratory Drilling project.